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Putin's soldiers killed father, 43, in his own kitchen while his family hid below in their basement, Amnesty says, as human rights group uncovers more Russian war crimes in Ukraine.British Airways' parent company loses £916million in first three months of 2022 as passenger numbers are hit by Omicron variant of Covid.BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors chairs 'dark money' non-profit that received $2.5m from woke Silicon Valley fund whose previous donors include Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey.James Stunt 'refused to read emails' and was a mere 'figurehead in firm behind £266M money laundering scam' - but trial hears it is 'inconceivable' he didn't know staff counted £28M in cash in one of his offices.US Marshals release new photos of shirtless escaped inmate Casey White which reveal his Nazi and Confederate flag tattoos: Prison guard Vicky is shown with brown hair as manhunt for the pair enters eighth day.

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